Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Since I last checked in, my dad has done a video conference with my class at school and we have celebrated Thanksgiving. My classmates were very thrilled to be able to speak to an astronaut aboard the space station. I must admit, they asked some pretty interesting question and just as expected – laughed loudly when he performed his zero gravity tricks, such as flipping upside down while spinning and playing with his food. I wish he would have let me play with my food when I was younger!

Our Thanksgiving was very low-key. My mom and I celebrated with some friends from Japan., as well as a few others. Before dinner, I had a video conference with my dad and he met my friends and classmate. He was even able to introduce them to the Japanese astronaut on board with him.

This will be a short month as we prepare for the holidays. Star Wars will come out soon and I can’t wait for my dad to get his Christmas gift!

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