Thursday, July 23, 2015


I’m about halfway through my summer break. I am really enjoying hanging out with my friends without any pressure to complete any school work, yet in an odd kind-of way, I am looking forward to getting into 6th grade! My mom has been letting me do pretty much whatever I want – as long as I don’t play X-Box all day and night! 

All of our neighbors have been gathering at our pool and having cookouts every weekend. It is a lot of fun. Last weekend, I was scheduled to have a video conference with my dad that was going to last for a long time. I brought most of my neighborhood friends over so they could talk to him too. My mom set it up so my friends could see him on our living room television. They loved it and thought it was very funny to watch him in zero gravity. He showed us around the Space Station, his room and even their garden.  My dad took a picture of us in my living room, from the Space Station. If you look closely at the photo above, you can see me holding my cat, Shelbi.