Monday, May 18, 2015


My name is Charlotte Kaleigh Kelly. My friends call me Charli. I like to think that I am an average kid with an average life. The truth is, I am in a unique position that only a small handful of kids have ever experienced. My dad is an American Astronaut. As many kids look at this as “cool”, it’s just my life and the only life I have ever known. I don’t view it any different than Joe’s dad going to work at the local military base, or Ayden’s mom going to work at one of the local resort hotels. I am learning though, that many kids think a lot about my unique position. A lot of kids want to know what it is like to have a dad that travels to space for a living. I’m not sure I can answer all of their questions, but I can give them a small glimpse into my life.

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